Friday, October 23, 2015

Kava and Skin Issues

Kava does dry out the skin more, but if you do everything you can to remain hydrated, then there won't be any problems, but it takes knowing how to properly hydrate. If you do it wrong then you will wind up with kava giving you skin issues. It's very basic as what needs to be done, but can easily be forgotton between the tides and excitement that one undergoes when using kava. You first have to start off drinking enough water, but not too much water or you will dehydrate yourself more. The next main thing you will need to do is drink at least 2 liters of pedialyte a week, and sip on gatorade through out the week but do not over do it as it contains a lot of sugars. Lastly, you will need to moisterize all your skin after you shower.

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